When reaching Olsztyn I immediately hated the city traffic. There were traffic lights everywhere, the streets were full of shards, and the drivers were so much more aggressive than in the countryside that I took to cycling on the pavements.
Street art in Olsztyn with the High Gate to old town in the background.
The High Gate on the northern edge of Olsztyn's impressive old town. Olsztyn's historic town hall. A street in old town.After putting up my tent I went back to Olsztyn and had a look at the Kortowo campus of the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM). They advertise themselves as being the nicest university campus in Poland, situated on the shore of Jezioro Kortowskie. It did look like a very nice area with a large park by the lake. Some of the older red-brick buildings reminded me very strongly of the campus of Universitätsmedizin Berlin at Luisenstraße.
Camped at Tawerna Pirat on the shore of Jezioro Ukie.
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